Tässäpä Habitare-messuryhmämme kuvaama ja Hanna Vuoren laatima video messuille menevistä töistä ja tekijöistä.
TUAS Design: Play+1+1>3 from Tarmo Karhu on Vimeo.
keskiviikko 18. elokuuta 2010
perjantai 13. elokuuta 2010
Perinteinen teollisen muotoilun muotoiluprosessi
Hieno video viskikarahvin muotoiluprosessista 1960-luvun Amerikassa - mahtavaa käden taitoa, paljon kahvia ja tupakkia!
Design story: The Decanter from Landor Associates on Vimeo.
Design story: The Decanter from Landor Associates on Vimeo.
torstai 24. kesäkuuta 2010
tiistai 15. kesäkuuta 2010
Luova hulluus vai hullu luovuus?
Ihan sama, siis ihan oikeasti sama.
Samankaltaisia huomioita on myös Michael Shermerin TED-luennossa alla.
Samankaltaisia huomioita on myös Michael Shermerin TED-luennossa alla.
design thinking,
pattern recognition
perjantai 11. kesäkuuta 2010
Bloomin tikkapeli
Opetussuunnitelmatyö on hauskaa, kun Bloomin oivaltaa! Tikkapelissä joutuu suorittamaan heittotaidon mukaisesti myös älyllisiä tehtäviä.
Idea ja kuva Tarmo Karhu
Idea ja kuva Tarmo Karhu
torstai 22. huhtikuuta 2010
Hyi! Innovatiivisuus on inhottavaa!
torstai 8. huhtikuuta 2010
Pirstaleinen malli pirstaleina
Nykyinen maailmamme, myös muotoilun osalta, on koko ajan monimutkaisempi ja pirstaleisempi. Mahdollisuudet tehdä ja kokea asioita tai kerätä tavaraa ylittävät yksilön järjen rajat ja saavat meidät turhautumaan ja kokemaan itsemme riittämättömiksi. Toisaalta pirstaleisuus on myös näennäistä, kun ideologisessa mielessä yksi kuluttamisen ja kasvun malli hallitsee ja tarjoaa näitä "vaihtoehtojaan". Kyseinen malli kylläkin näyttää olevan menossa kohti matkansa päätä, mikä näen positiivisena mahdollisuutena muutokselle. Negatiivinen puoli tässä muutoksen tuulessa on, että malli (ylitehokas monster truck) ajaa kaasu pohjassa kohti kallioleikkausta ja me kaikki olemme kyydissä kaasua polkemassa. Radiopuhelimet-yhtye pukee tämän nätisti sanoiksi kappaleessaan Globaali anaali: "Vaikka vituttaakin myöntää, asuu jokaisessa meistä, omahyväinen, ahne nisti, Mister Maximal Mulqvisti".
Haaste muotoilulle tässä kaoottisessa maailmassa on tehdä kaaokseen ymmärrettävyyden ja yksinkertaisuuden saarekkeita. Se tarkoittaa monimutkaisen ja usein keskenään ristiriitaistenkin tietojen jalostamista eri näkökulmista ymmärrettäviksi ratkaisuiksi. Onnistunut ymmärrettävä muotoilu elähdyttää ja luo merkityksiä elämäämme. Epäonnistunut muotoilu turhauttaa ja aiheuttaa Camus'laisia sivullisuuden oireita.
Haaste muotoilulle tässä kaoottisessa maailmassa on tehdä kaaokseen ymmärrettävyyden ja yksinkertaisuuden saarekkeita. Se tarkoittaa monimutkaisen ja usein keskenään ristiriitaistenkin tietojen jalostamista eri näkökulmista ymmärrettäviksi ratkaisuiksi. Onnistunut ymmärrettävä muotoilu elähdyttää ja luo merkityksiä elämäämme. Epäonnistunut muotoilu turhauttaa ja aiheuttaa Camus'laisia sivullisuuden oireita.
tiistai 30. maaliskuuta 2010
In need of Less but better or Good enough
The great design thinker Victor Papanek's well known line "There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a few of them" is now more truth than ever. As Alf Rehn said it in Designing Slow Life Conference: " We don't need more, we need less, but better". Well, what is better and from whose point of view? That is more tricky, because for the user producer's good enough is often better than the producer's best possible, as Alf Rehn also said (about).
torstai 11. maaliskuuta 2010
torstai 25. helmikuuta 2010
Design thinking = visual thinking?
I've been thinking of design thinking now for a while (well, not for very long). How does it correlate to visual thinking, pattern thinking and verbal thinking? Could design thinking be all of these, but from different viewpoints? Would it still be design thinking and if would, how? I see design thinking as a holistic way, which combines different methods and leads one to see possibilities in touchpoints of things.
TED is great!
TED is great!
tiistai 23. helmikuuta 2010
Sympaattinen iilimato - biomimiikkaa hauskimmillaan
Tämä matonen imee sähköä ravinnoksi ladattaville laitteillesi ja lakkaa tuputtamasta lisää, kun "masu" on täysi.
Outlet Regulator Video from conor klein on Vimeo.
Outlet Regulator Video from conor klein on Vimeo.
perjantai 5. helmikuuta 2010
Muotoilu muutoksessa - Muotoilutoimisto Provoken raportti TEM:lle
perjantai 29. tammikuuta 2010
Human biology vs. Sustainable innovations
For some reason I started to write this rough thinking down in English and I was too in it to think again, so here you are:
The nature of the nature is opportunistic and as humans we as well act in an opportunistic way: we do what is good for us as a species – or so our biology and genes think. But as human beings with huge brains we have learned to design and the combination of opportunistic biology and ability to design has been a dangerous combination for all the rest of the species, and so for us too. We have only backed up our biology, done what it tells us to do: grow, expand, breed, multiply. We have been very good in that because of our ability to innovate new ways of being more effective in growth and by competing with others for always trying to be better than the others to get more for ourselves. That’s how we have developed to the point where we are now. But I think the bottom line is our opportunistic nature as biological creatures, which we have backed up by our designing brains. We STILL are guided by our biology: for example a guy wants to have a sports car, because (one possible REAL reason) it would be a great lady magnet. Some explanations and reasoning for buying it could be that there are good safety belts or some other "reasons", that men can produce in situations like this, but what the biology tells us is that by getting that lovely thing you would be a better male in the eyes of the females. And as much as there are males acting like this, there are also some females left thinking “what a rooster with a smashing tail”. And other males think “I have to get a greater tail!” Not all, but many. Still. I am not saying it's all bad, but definitely there is some bad consequences and that is why we should also recognize the real reasons behind our behaviour.
What are sustainable innovations then? Well, sustainable innovating and design can begin to exist when we start to THINK, what is good for us and for human welfare and stop being just puppets for our ancient genes. Because our genes are somewhere about million years ago back in time, I guess, and they don’t know what we have achieved by using our brains. But if they knew, I am sure they would tell us to act differently in order to survive as a species. By being a part of the nature and DOING what is good for others too we can find what is good for us. As a species, we cannot survive alone though the rest of the nature would survive without us quite well. So let’s continue in being innovative, but in a sustainable way and stop being a threat to the rest of the nature. Sustainable innovations can also be as FUN as common innovations, right?
The nature of the nature is opportunistic and as humans we as well act in an opportunistic way: we do what is good for us as a species – or so our biology and genes think. But as human beings with huge brains we have learned to design and the combination of opportunistic biology and ability to design has been a dangerous combination for all the rest of the species, and so for us too. We have only backed up our biology, done what it tells us to do: grow, expand, breed, multiply. We have been very good in that because of our ability to innovate new ways of being more effective in growth and by competing with others for always trying to be better than the others to get more for ourselves. That’s how we have developed to the point where we are now. But I think the bottom line is our opportunistic nature as biological creatures, which we have backed up by our designing brains. We STILL are guided by our biology: for example a guy wants to have a sports car, because (one possible REAL reason) it would be a great lady magnet. Some explanations and reasoning for buying it could be that there are good safety belts or some other "reasons", that men can produce in situations like this, but what the biology tells us is that by getting that lovely thing you would be a better male in the eyes of the females. And as much as there are males acting like this, there are also some females left thinking “what a rooster with a smashing tail”. And other males think “I have to get a greater tail!” Not all, but many. Still. I am not saying it's all bad, but definitely there is some bad consequences and that is why we should also recognize the real reasons behind our behaviour.
What are sustainable innovations then? Well, sustainable innovating and design can begin to exist when we start to THINK, what is good for us and for human welfare and stop being just puppets for our ancient genes. Because our genes are somewhere about million years ago back in time, I guess, and they don’t know what we have achieved by using our brains. But if they knew, I am sure they would tell us to act differently in order to survive as a species. By being a part of the nature and DOING what is good for others too we can find what is good for us. As a species, we cannot survive alone though the rest of the nature would survive without us quite well. So let’s continue in being innovative, but in a sustainable way and stop being a threat to the rest of the nature. Sustainable innovations can also be as FUN as common innovations, right?
torstai 28. tammikuuta 2010
Innovatiivista muotoilua!
Brittimuotoilijan, Nadine Jarvisin (s. 1982), ennakkoluulotonta ajattelua: Tuhkauurna, joka sisältää vainajan tuhkasta (runsaasti hiiltä) valmistettuja kyniä. Jos vaikka kirjoittaisi isoisän muistelmat postuumisti.
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